Mon-Thur: 8 AM - 5 PM, Fri: 8 AM - 2 PM, Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM

Mon-Tue: 9 AM - 7 PM, Wed-Thur 9 am - 5 PM, Fri: 9 AM - 2 PM, Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM

Restorative Dentistry

If your damaged teeth are causing pain or affecting your quality of life, trust the team at Sunray Family Dentistry. Dr. Alonso provides a full range of restorative dental treatments to repair damaged and decayed teeth. Not only will your teeth look and feel healthier, but they will also be safeguarded against future damage thanks to our cutting-edge treatments. 


What is Restorative Dentistry?

Many dental concerns can be avoided with preventative care services like cleanings and fluoride treatment. But some situations, like cavities and gum disease, cause permanent harm to teeth. Moreover, the damage from decay and trauma can affect how you speak, cause infection or severe pain, and harm your self-esteem.

In these cases, we provide personalized restorative treatments to repair the damage and renew each person’s smile. With our help, you can have a fully functional, attractive smile! 

We typically provide restorative dentistry for the following conditions:

  • Tooth decay
  • Missing teeth
  • Chipped, cracked teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Tooth and gum pain
  • Difficulty speaking 



Cavities are extremely common in people of all ages. When bacteria build up on a tooth and produce acid, it down the tooth enamel, eventually forming a small hole. Bacteria then enter this hole, causing an infection inside of the tooth. Over time, the acids continue eating away at the structure and the decay can become even larger or reach the nerve.


Fillings are not only highly effective at treating cavities, but they are also incredibly easy to place. It only takes one visit for Dr. Alonso to clean the infected tooth and install your new filling. Once complete, this treatment will seal off the tooth and prevent bacteria from contributing to additional cavity.


Root Canal Therapy

Tooth infections like cavities can spread deep into the tooth and into the nerve chamber. This infection causes severe pain or abscessing and can even spread into the gums and bone if left untreated.


Root canal therapy is where we eliminate the source of the infection by removing the nerve from the tooth and sealing off the canals to prevent reinfection. Despite what you may have seen in movies, this procedure is not particularly painful. Rather, endodontic therapy is excellent at eliminating the source of your tooth pain!


Dental Crowns (“Caps”)

In some cases, cavities can become so large that the tooth cannot be saved with a filling. In other cases, trauma or other factors may cause a tooth to severely crack or chip. Both of these situations leave teeth vulnerable to infection and further damage. 


Dental crowns are protective covers that sit over the existing tooth, sealing it off completely. Crowns prevent bacteria from entering the damaged tooth and provide additional support so the tooth can withstand the force of eating on it each day. 


Our crowns are custom-created to blend in with the rest of your teeth, and we offer a variety of options, including E-Max, Zirconia, and PFM crowns. Dr. Alonso will ensure your new tooth matches the shade, shape, and size of the existing tooth, making your crown unnoticeable to most people. 


Schedule Your Appointment

Do you want to get relief from dental pain or repair damaged teeth? Sunray Family Dentistry is here to help! Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Alonso.