Mon-Thur: 8 AM - 5 PM, Fri: 8 AM - 2 PM, Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM

Mon-Tue: 9 AM - 7 PM, Wed-Thur 9 am - 5 PM, Fri: 9 AM - 2 PM, Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM

Dental Technology

Advances in dental technology are critical when it comes to ensuring the highest level of dental care. Dr. Alejandro Alonso, founder of Sunray Family Dentistry in Socorro, TX, is one of the leading dental professionals in the region when it comes to embracing the latest advances in dental technology. From 3D Imaging and Cone Beam to Digital Scanner, Dr. Alonso and his team ensure our patients receive the most comprehensive and up-to-date care available.

Why Invest in Dental Technology?

Dental technology is a cornerstone of every contemporary dental practice, and Sunray Family Dentistry is no different. Dr. Alejandro Alonso consistently devotes a lot of time and money to implementing cutting-edge technology that enables us to offer even better dental care. Sunray Family Dentistry uses technology to examine various treatment options, diagnose oral conditions more accurately, and deliver longer-lasting and more aesthetically pleasing dental care.


Our Dental Technology

Sunray Family Dentistry takes pride in providing our patients with the latest dental technology. Our state-of-the-art technologies allow us to provide our patients with the most advanced and effective treatments available. 


3D Imaging  

3D imaging is a revolutionary technology that allows doctors to get an incredibly detailed view of teeth and surrounding structures. This technology is especially beneficial for patients requiring complex restorative or implant procedures. The 3D imaging at Sunray Family Dentistry allows Dr. Alonso and his team to accurately evaluate each patient’s individual needs and plan the most effective course of treatment.


Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved diagnosis and treatment planning accuracy: 3D imaging technology provides a detailed, three-dimensional view of the teeth and surrounding structures, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.  
  • Increased patient safety: 3D imaging technology enables Dr. Alonso to identify potential problems he may miss with traditional two-dimensional imaging, such as impacted teeth, cysts, and tumors.
  • Faster, less invasive procedures: With 3D imaging, we can plan treatments more efficiently and perform procedures with precision and accuracy. This can result in shorter treatment times and reduced risk of complications or side effects.
  • Greater patient comfort: 3D imaging allows dentists to plan treatments accurately without taking multiple x-rays over multiple visits. This reduces the amount of radiation exposure and can be more comfortable for the patient.
  • More cost-effective: 3D imaging can reduce the number of office visits and treatments needed, resulting in lower costs for the patient.


Cone Beam  

Cone Beam technology is a 3D imaging system that utilizes low-dose X-ray beams to create high-resolution 3D images of the patient’s mouth, teeth, and jaw. This technology allows for more accurate diagnosis and treatment planning than traditional X-rays. Cone Beam technology is especially useful for patients who need implants, as it can help determine the exact location and size of the implant needed.


Some of the benefits and uses include:

  • Low radiation
  • Identify jaw tumors and infections
  • TMJ analysis
  • Implant planning and placing
  • Orthodontic planning
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Endodontic Therapy
  • Non-invasive
  • Low radiation
  • Identify jaw tumors and infections
  • TMJ analysis
  • Implant planning and placing
  • Orthodontic planning
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Endodontic Therapy


Digital Scanner  

Digital Scanner technology is a powerful tool that allows doctors to get a detailed view of your mouth, teeth, and jaw without taking traditional X-rays. This technology uses a small wand to capture detailed images of your mouth, which we can also use to diagnose and treat dental issues accurately. Digital Scanner technology is especially beneficial for patients with complex dental issues, as it allows Dr. Alonso and his team to get an incredibly detailed view of your mouth and teeth.


Some of the benefits include:

  • Quick and easy scanning process: Digital scanners are much faster and easier to use than traditional impressions, which require the patient to bite into a tray with a gooey material.
  • More accurate: Digital scanners create a 3D image of the patient’s mouth, which is much more accurate than a traditional impression.
  • More comfortable: Digital scanners are much more comfortable for patients than traditional impressions, as they do not require the patient to bite into a tray.
  • Safer: Digital scanners reduce the risk of cross-contamination, as they do not require physical contact with the patient’s mouth.
  • More efficient: Digital scanners save time, as they can quickly scan a patient’s mouth without needing multiple impressions.


The Latest in Dental Technology in Socorro, TX

At Sunray Family Dentistry, Dr. Alejandro Alonso and his team are committed to providing the most advanced dental care available. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest advances in dental technology, including 3D Imaging, Cone Beam, and Digital Scanner, allowing Dr. Alonso and his team to provide our patients with the highest level of care. Whether you need a routine cleaning or a complex restorative procedure, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the best care available. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alonso.